Man has harvested wood for many centuries, and, in order to bring it into the value creation chain, has needed to remove it from the forest. This has always been hard, arduous, time-consuming and dangerous work.
If, in the past, the strength of many men was required to hoist a log onto a horse carriage or, later on, a truck, one technological innovation brought about a significant und far-reaching advantage.
The hydraulic timber-loading crane
One of the pioneers in the development of the hydraulic timber-loading crane was Rochus Penz Sr., who built his first hydraulic crane in a small garage.
Rochus Penz Jr. continued his father´s pioneering work in second generation, so that PENZ now produces timber-loading and recycling cranes of the highest quality. Cranes are in fact the workers´ strong, extended arms, making it possible for them to do their job faster and safer than ever before.